BAI 101 Introduction to Banking
The course will introduce undergraduate students to bank and definition of banking, historical development, banking styles, banking secrecy, information compilation and analysis, Central Banking, Commercial Banking, Investment and development banking, economic banking; installation and go into operation of banks, organization and management of banks, auditing of banks, legal framework of deposit accounts, operation procedure of bank accounts, check classes, legal framework of checks, foreign currency accounts and other fundamental banking services.
BAI 103 Introduction to Management
This course provides a framework for understanding opportunities and challenges involved in managing by taking a “systems” view of organizations. This means that multiple aspects of how managers address their environments, people and tasks will be examined. Classical and contemporary concepts will be examined starting at the individual level, then moving to the team level, followed by the business unit and organizational levels. The content, readings and activities engaged in will help students to better understand how organizations work and how to effectively contribute to the organizations they join.
BAI 107 E-commerce
This course is mainly about the developments in electronic commerce, E-commerce business strategies and organizational structure, the impact of E-commerce on all sectors and markets, the importance of E-commerce history, E-commerce attention and the current use of E-commerce.
BAI 112 International Banking
The aim of the course is to explain the bank management within the framework of international banking system rules and regulations. Providing an understanding of the development of foreign exchange markets, depending on the understanding of the activities and organization of the multinational banks that are expanding their boundaries and depth within the framework of capital movements in a globalizing world, foreign exchange regimes applied in developed and developing countries.
BAI 114 Sales Management
This course is designed for students interested in a career in professional selling and sales management. The course is concerned with how to manage a sales force with the objective of maximizing overall sales performance in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency. The emphasis is on business-to-business (rather than consumer) sales force management. The class uses a discussion based format and requires active participation from the student for each class.
BAI 116 Introduction to Insurance
This course mainly focuses on the insurance and risk management concepts. The course also comprises the risk identification and evaluating techniques. The legal procedures and regulations will be discussed with the completion of the course. Furthermore, the insurance industry, personal and commercial property and liability risk concepts also explored by the instructor of the course.
BAI 205 Accounting for Banking and Insurance
Bank and insurance accounting course; distinguishing features of bank accounting from other branches of accounting include the classification and accounting of banking transactions, accounting of deposits, use of loans and lending transactions, remittance, letter of credit services, principles of foreign exchange and insurance transactions.
BAI 207 Basic Credit Transactions
This course provides a deep and broad understanding of credit, risk and credit classes, credit and investment policy, allocation and cancelling of investment limits, entitlement of branch office loans, agencies that evaluate credit offers and workflow, TL-cash credits, domestic letter of guarantees, general credit contracts, installation of contracts, signing, position of contract if it is terminated, position of guarantor signing with perspective of stamp duty, directives for reserve requirements.
BAI 210 Banking and Insurance Law
The course will introduce students to definition of liability, sources of obligations law, definition of credit contracts, features, contents, explanation of provisions in credit contracts, various obligation contracts, legal perspective of bank accounts, guarantees, letter of guarantee, termination of debt relation styles, termination of contracts, timeout, presentation upon checks, payment, pursuit, warning, revision right, bad check notification and legal responsibility , sources of insurance law, concepts, legal acts and decree law, regulations, general conditions, precedents, insurance companies, intermediaries of insurance and reassurance, definition of insurance contracts, features, contents, contact of insurance contracts, documentations that indicate the existence of contract, clauses of insurance contracts, termination of contract and timeout subjects.
BAI 212 Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a comprehensive set of processes and technologies for managing the relationships with potential and current customers and business partners across marketing, sales, and service areas regardless of the channel of distribution. This course focuses on the development and implementation of relationship marketing strategies via the use of CRM initiatives. Topics covered in the course include: relationship marketing; operational analytical, and collaborative CRM; reasons for CRM implementation failure; and the role of CRM in marketing management.
BAI 214 Introduction to Quantative Finance
The main aim of the course is to make close the students to the basic mathematics of financial assets such as bonds, futures products and foreign exchange.
BAI 217 Business Communication
It includes effective communication methods by developing and strengthening students’ writing and speaking skills. The purpose and operation of communication in the businesses will be as follows; case studies and examples, projects that improve students’ communication skills in a collaborative environment; to increase the effectiveness of written and oral communication, professional report writing and presentation.
BAI 218 Computer Application in Finance
This course includes financial modeling, analysis and research using computer, the emphasis is on the development of models for the evaluation of financial alternatives.
BAI 219 Financial Investment Analysis
The main aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic concepts of investment analysis such as investments on portfolios, fixed income securities and derivative products and provide technical tools how any investor can make a decision among different securities.
BAI 222 International Finance
International Finance will introduce students to global financial markets and operations of multinational firms. Topics to be discussed will include foreign exchange markets, international financial markets, international banking, currency derivative markets, Euromarkets, risk management, and investment decisions in the global marketplace.
BAI 223 Operations in Banking
The course will introduce undergraduate students to the definition of deposit, types and basic information, transfer, EFT, check operations, check collection operations, safe deposit box, payment operations, taxes, credit, basic components of credit and credit process, cash credits, corporate credits, eximbank, consumer credits, letter of guarantee, letter of credit, operation of letter of credit, acceptance and bill of guarantee credits, ATM, telephone banking, credit cards, parties, payment cards, legal framework of banking law, types of credits, import-export credits, foreign currency credits, evaluation of credit demands and allocation, buying and selling of effective foreign currency and arbitrage operations, derivative instruments, forward, future, swap, options, capital market operations, government bonds, treasury bills, repo, stock, mutual fund and euro-bond, damage insurance, fire insurance, obligatory quake insurance and damage, transport insurance, engineering insurance, life insurance, private pension insurance, private health insurance, practices for students at drawing insurance contracts.
BAI 225 Marketing for Banking and Insurance
This course mainly covers; the concept and definition of service marketing, common characteristics of banking and insurance marketing, importance of service concept in daily life, services and marketing mix elements, applications of marketing functions with the requirements of service organizations like banking and insurance, application of marketing concepts, methods and techniques in the service industries, uses and limitation of various promotional forces such as advertising, field selling, merchandising and sales promotion in the service industries.
BAI 228 Insurance Operations and Institutions
The course offers a close look at a number of “insurance operations” of interest to today’s business and finance graduate. It opens with an insightful examination of the major functions of an insurance company. Understanding how the carrier approaches underwriting, for example, enables the student to appreciate how a business should be managed in order to present the most favourable impression on an insurance underwriter thus earning the lowest rates. Similarly insight regarding insurance regulations, risk control, and a general overview of the insurance industry provides keen understanding as to how business interface with this very important sector of the finance community.
BAI 230 Financial Markets and Institutions
The course discusses financial institutions and markets and the services they provide to non-financial sectors. Financial institutions and markets not only provide liquidity, i.e. money, but also provide other services like facilitating risk management, screening and monitoring. To a large extent these services are not provided by markets but by institutions, namely banks.
BAI 231 Case Studies in Insurance
The course will building real-world examples and case studies in the field of insurance, the students will have a dialogical and interactive lessons on the events. The focus of this course will be on the subjects of insurance products and applications. Performing SWOT analysis on real events in related to business analysis, financial
analysis, individual sales, commercial sales, transfers, external transactions, conducting market analysis, in dialog with customers, learning how to behave according to the customer.
BAI 232 Case Studies in Banking
The course will have conducted in Turkish. By building real-world examples and case studies in the field of banking, the students will have a dialogical and interactive lessons on the events. The focus of this course will be on the subjects of banking and insurance products, financial institutions, internal and external applications. Performing SWOT analysis on real events in related to business analysis, financial analysis, individual sales, commercial sales, transfers, external transactions, conducting market analysis, in dialog with customers, learning how to behave according to the customer.
ECON 101 Introduction to Economics I
Introduction to the principles of microeconomics covering the economic problem, theories of supply and demand, market equilibrium, consumer and firm behavior, different market structures.
ECON 102 Introduction to Economics II
Introduction to the principles of macroeconomics covering national income accounting, determination of output, employment, unemployment, inflation and interest rates, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade and finance.
MATH 103 General Mathematics
Real Numbers, Algebraic Expressions, Linear and Quadratic Equations, Equations and Inequalities, Absolute Value, Functions and Graphs, Linear Functions and Straight Lines, Quadratic Functions and their Graphs, Polynomial and Rational Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Matrices, Algebraic Operations on Matrices, Row Reduction, Determinants, Cramer’s Rule.
INF 233 Introduction to Computers
This course which provides students computer literacy by transferring basic concepts of computer and information technologies. The basic structure of the computer, hardware, software and operating system concepts given in the daily business life, widely used in the internet, word processing, spreadsheet and preparation of information about the preparation of the knowledge and experience is provided. The topics are reinforced by experiments in the computer laboratory.
LAW 106 Introduction to Law
Law and other rules to regulate social behavior; characteristics of legal norms; foundations and sources of law; classification of laws and legal systems; applications of legal rules, interpretation of legal rules; public and private law; branches of the public law; branches of private law.