FTP 116 Principles of Accounting
The course begins with the definition of accounting, types of accounting, and the basic concepts of accounting and covers basic financial accounting topics such as accounting cycle, hierarchy of accounts (account classes, account groups, accounts, subsidiary accounts) journal entries, posting, adjusting entries, trial balance, preparation of financial statements, closing and opening entries, accounting of value added tax, payroll accounting, and accounting of current assets (except inventories that will be covered in the subsequent course).
FTP 121 Global Business Fundamentals
This course provides the importance of business skills and a better understanding of different business areas in both local and global environments. Students will learn about business systems, workforce demographics, social responsibility, business ethics, entrepreneurship, management processes, human resource management, production, marketing management, business decision-making, international business and the future dimensions of business opportunities in a global economy.
FTP 122 Management Fundamentals
This course mainly focuses on the functions of the management. Additionally, this course explores the motivation and leadership theory and practices. Students also will learn about the importance of human and employee factors in organizations including the structure, design and culture of organizations. Students also investigate the diverse workforce and hierarchical dynamics in an organization for local and international companies.
FTP 123 Business Communication
The purpose of this course is to provide students to study the role of communication and the use of effective communication techniques in conjunction with their potential results in organizations. In this framework, topics such as reporting of research results, letter and executive summaries and oral communication’s role on team formation, oral and non-verbal communication, interview, meeting management and presentation techniques are also included in the course content.
FTP 124 Foreign Trade Logistics
With the help of this course, students will get a solid foundation in the basics of logistics, through the focus on the fundamental subjects. This course mainly covers these concepts of logistics and supply chain management basics, transportation systems, warehousing and materials handling, inventory and supply planning, supply chain management, transportation management, demand management, order management, and customer services.
FTP 125 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
This course is designed to provide the student with an introduction to small business and entrepreneurship and to help develop certain entrepreneurial success skills which are important for small business ownership. The students will develop a general knowledge of the economic and managerial context of small business in international environment and of the major functional areas of business management.
FTP 126 Free Zones
The main goal for this course is to develop a core understanding of the definition and types of Free Zones, advantages and Incentives of Free Zones, institutional features of Free Zones.
FTP 201 Theory of International Economics
International economics is growing in importance as a field of study because of the rapid integration of international economic markets. Increasingly, businesses, consumers, and governments realize that their lives are affected not only by what goes on in their own town, state, or country but also by what is happening around the world. This course will help students to understand the effects of international trade on individuals and businesses and the effects of changes in trade policies and other economic conditions.
FTP 202 International Economic Policy
This course provides a framework for analysing international economic problems and policies. It deals with the macroeconomics of open economies under various exchange-rate arrangements, and the policy problems they pose. The course will start by looking at foreign-exchange markets and at balance-of-payments and nationalincome accounts for an open economy.
FTP 203 Foreign Trade Formalities and Practices
The course aims to provide the knowledge of finance function in foreign trade business. International Trade Formalities and practices is based on International Trade System pillars covering essential trade rules and regulations arranged and accepted W.T.O. agreements; “General Agreement on Tariff and Trade”, “Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights”, General Agreement on Trade in Services”, “Sanitary Certificate”, “Phytosanitary Certificate”, Pre-shipment Inspection”, “Export Incentives and Export Restrictions”, “Customs Valuation Methods”, “Agreement on Agricultural Products”, “Electronic Commerce”, “Transparency of Government and State Purchasing” agreements; ICC-International Chambers of Commerce regulations “INCOTERMS 2010”, “ICC Rules of Arbitration”, “International Trade Documents” Turkish IMPORT / EXPORT regulations.
FTP 204 The Turkish Customs Regime and International Transportation
The objective of this course is to introduce Customs Regulations and International Transportation by the way of example, covers the nature of their implementation, and considers problems in application. The students get a chance to learn Customs Clearance transactions, and how to effectively export/import goods and the best way of international transportation and to develop a practice on Customs and Transportations.
FTP 206 E-Commerce
In this course, we will attempt to understand the related concepts, with economic and social manners and also this course will provide us an overview of e-commerce from and managerial perspectives how organizations successfully conduct Internet-based activities. Using a managerial perspective, this course focuses on key issues related to e-commerce including strategy development, competitive advantage, current and emerging technologies, pricing, distribution channels, promotion, and advertising.
FTP 207 Business Finance
The important subjects in this course are financial analysis, planning and control; ratio analysis, profit planning and financial forecasting; capital budgeting decision; short-term and long-term financing,working capital management; financial policies regarding the acquisition of funds and their allocation to competing assets within the firm.
FTP 214 International Marketing
The main concern of this course is the theories of international trade and markets. Why do we need international marketing? Distinguishing domestic from international marketing; importance and environmental adjustments; Market identification, development and selection; International product; pricing; distribution and promotion strategies; methods of payment; planning; organizing and control of international marketing activities. How the firm enters international markets? At the end of the course, students should be able to draw up a marketing program for an international marketing company.
FTP 215 Principles of Marketing
This course is designed to introduce the fundamentals of contemporary marketing through the discussion of theoretical and practical aspects of modern marketing management and application of marketing principles to a real-world case. Students will learn the basic concepts of the marketing definition, consumer behaviour, and the principal marketing functions: strategy, product development, branding, pricing, distribution, communication, research, and planning.
FTP 218 Financing and Institutions of Foreign Trade in Turkey
This course covers all type of payment methods used on international trade transactions through the banks according to international trade law accepted in the legal framework internationally. This course is based on ICCInternational Chambers of Commerce rules and regulations in particular UCP-Uniform Customs and Practices 600 for Documentary Credits and URC-Uniform Rules for Collection 522. In addition Countertrade forms and applications; Foreign trade financing and other financing technics such as Leasing, Forfaiting and Factoring issues
FTP 219 Export Practices and Risk Management
This course provides an advanced treatment of issues in Export Risk Management. Unlike traditional trade courses, which focus mainly on the real theory of international trade and export management this course integrates theoretical concepts with empirical evidence and cases from daily life.
FTP 220 Foreign Trade Practices
This course will cover the basic concepts of foreign trade and e-devlet applications in foreign trade, the basic features of the software programme, dealing with customs operations, filling the import and export declaration forms and registration procedures. In this course, we will attempt to understand the application of theoretical information to practical foreign trade practices. This course will provide students to apply export, import and customs procedures through package software used in foreign trade.
FTP 223 Turkish Economy and EU
This course provides a framework for analyzing the history and current status of the Turkish economy and the European integration, EU-Turkey trade relations, the role of the EU in the Turkish economy, basic trade institutions of the EU and their functions. The students will have exposure to past and current challenges of a developing economy within the global economic system. The course will cover macroeconomic as well as sectorial topics.
FTP 225 International Trade Law
This course covers government purchasing decisions, trade-related investment policies, intellectual property rights, and competition in services, among other categories. The goal for this course is for students to develop a core understanding of how the rules regulating international trade operate in practice, as well as in theory. This course integrates the public policy, diplomatic and economic variables that bear on how the international trade rules embodied in the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements are negotiated and implemented, and how trade disputes are settled or adjudicated in a managerial perspective.
FTP 226 International Financial Markets and Institutions
This course provides a comprehensive analysis of the financial systems of world economies. Institutions, products, and regulations within these financial systems are all analyzed. Current global financial issues and crises are also analyzed. This analysis is presented within the theoretical framework of monetary economics. The unit also analyses current issues in modern monetary economics.
FTP 227 Economic Development and Foreign Trade
The theory presented in this course covers a broad range of topics including designing growth models for a small open economy, theories of economic growth and development, incorporating income distribution into growth models, the diffusion of foreign trade in growth models, location and economic growth, trade and planning models, stable and unstable growth, survey of classical and contemporary theories of development.
FTP 200 Summer Practice
This course is basically a voluntary internship course. Students make internships during the summer months in the companies where they communicate with their own resources. With this course, the student will have the opportunity to bring together the theoretical knowledge that he / she obtained in practice.
ECON 101 Introduction to Economics I
Introduction to the principles of microeconomics covering the economic problem, theories of supply and demand, market equilibrium, consumer and firm behavior, different market structures.
ECON 102 Introduction to Economics II
Introduction to the principles of macroeconomics covering national income accounting, determination of output, employment, unemployment, inflation and interest rates, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade and finance.
MATH 103 General Mathematics
Real Numbers, Algebraic Expressions, Linear and Quadratic Equations, Equations and Inequalities, Absolute Value, Functions and Graphs, Linear Functions and Straight Lines, Quadratic Functions and their Graphs, Polynomial and Rational Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Matrices, Algebraic Operations on Matrices, Row Reduction, Determinants, Cramer’s Rule.
INF 233 Introduction to Computers
This course which provides students computer literacy by transferring basic concepts of computer and information technologies. The basic structure of the computer, hardware, software and operating system concepts given in the daily business life, widely used in the internet, word processing, spreadsheet and preparation of information about the preparation of the knowledge and experience is provided. The topics are reinforced by experiments in the computer laboratory.
LAW 106 Introduction to Law
Law and other rules to regulate social behavior; characteristics of legal norms; foundations and sources of law; classification of laws and legal systems; applications of legal rules, interpretation of legal rules; public and private law; branches of the public law; branches of private law.